NTCSC What Is Biohazard Clean Up?

What Is Biohazard Clean Up?

Biohazard clean up is a specialist cleaning process that’s needed whenever there are dangerous biohazards present. Unlike a regular domestic or office cleaning task where there are generally no biohazards present, a specialist cleaner should be approached to safely and effectively remediate a property whenever there are biohazards present onsite.

So what exactly is classified as a biohazard and under what circumstances should you call a biohazard cleaner? We’ll explore what biohazard clean up is and how it differs from an ordinary cleaning job as well as why a biohazard cleaning task should be left to the professionals instead of attempting a DIY clean.


What Is A Biohazard?

NTCSC What Is A Biohazard

A biohazard (or biological hazard) is a potentially dangerous biological organism or waste material. Exposure to dangerous biohazards can affect people’s health and safety, causing illness, disease and sometimes death in humans.

Examples of biohazards include:

  • Human waste
  • Human bodily fluids (such as urine, semen etc.)
  • Animal waste
  • Needle sharps
  • Human or animal tissues


Why Call A Biohazard Cleaner?

Due to the dangerous nature of biohazards, cleaning contaminated areas requires the use of specialised cleaning equipment as well as proprietary chemicals and expertise. Biohazard cleaners are specially trained and certified in how to effectively carry out biohazard cleaning jobs while ensuring the safety of those who come into contact with the contaminated site.

Furthermore, biohazard cleaners are very knowledgeable in how to safely and effectively remediate a property that’s been contaminated with biohazards. This means that once a biohazard cleaner has finished the job, you can have peace of mind knowing your property is now safe to be around and habitable once again.


When Should I call A Biohazard Cleaner?

NTCSC When Should I Call

When it comes to cleaning up dangerous biohazards, don’t hesitate to give your local biohazard cleaning specialist a call for your safety and peace of mind. While it might be tempting to attempt a biohazard clean up by yourself, doing so not only places your own safety at risk, but can also affect those around you.

Still unsure if your situation requires a specialist clean up by a Biohazard cleaner? Below are some examples of scenarios when you should reach out to a professional for assistance:


How Do Biohazard Cleaners Clean?

Biohazard cleaners follow a specific cleaning process to ensure they remain safe while being exposed to biohazards and working in a hazardous location. The biohazard cleaning process is a preventative measure against cross-contamination onsite and outlines safe methods and practices for the effective cleaning removal of biohazardous materials.

Biohazard cleaning generally involves the following steps below (although these steps can vary slightly across different companies):

  1. Protection – wearing appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as respirator masks, gloves, hazmat suits and goggles.
  2. Clean up – removing any sharp objects that could potentially pierce through hazmat suits as well as unsalvageable items. Soaking up blood spills with cloth towels and ensuring all biohazardous materials are disposed of carefully in a biohazard disposal container.
  3. Sanitising, disinfecting and deodorising – using specialist disinfectant cleaning chemicals in affected areas. Scrubbing down areas that need cleaning and soaking up liquids with cloth towels before disposal into biohazard bags. Odours are then deodorised using an ozone generator.
  4. Disposing of Contaminated PPE – carefully removing single-use PPE and double-bagging into biohazard disposal bags while being careful not to contaminate other areas.
  5. Decontaminating equipment – cleaning and scrubbing non single-use contaminated cleaning tools and equipment with disinfectant chemicals before rinsing with water.
  6. Checking for contamination – thoroughly checking for any signs of contamination on the body and disinfecting as required.

Due to the rigorous training and experience biohazard cleaners have when it comes to cleaning up dangerous biohazards, biohazard cleaners are not only the most qualified, but also the most knowledgeable people when it comes to ensuring everyone’s safety onsite while remediating a contaminated property.


Looking For Australia’s Trusted Biohazard Cleaning Specialist?

NTCSC Australia's Trusted

Call National Trauma (NTCSC) for all your specialist biohazard cleaning & disposal needs. We’re on hand to assist 24/7 whenever you need us, plus we’re only a phone call away and can be at your doorstep in next to no time.

Here are some reasons to work with NTCSC today:

  • We are here to help any time day or night 24/7.
  • With over 30 years’ industry experience, we’re highly trained and experienced to safely handle, clean up and dispose of biohazards and biohazardous waste.
  • We offer highly competitive prices.
  • Our team are compassionate, discrete and caring.

Call our team today to find out more about our biohazard clean up and disposal service.