Needle Syringes and Sharps Removal Services

The safe removal and disposal of Needle Syringes and Sharps is extremely important as this type of waste can carry harmful diseases which could cause serious infections.
Needles, syringes and other sharps are often found in both private and public areas. For example, we have found sharps and used syringes in:
- Public toilets
- Waste Bins
- Abandoned houses and Squats
- Gardens and Bushland
- Hotels and motels
- Parks and playing fields
- Rented accommodation
- Workplaces
Many of our clients are property owners who have been left with a rental property filled with filth, rotten food, urine and faeces, as well as needles, syringes and other drug equipment in their property. The tenants have usually been evicted or have run away, leaving the property owner with a serious mess to deal with.
The main risk associated with sharps such as needles and syringes is puncture wounds that allow highly infectious bloodborne pathogens to be passed to an individual including:
Hepatitis B is an infectious disease caused by the hepatitis B virus that affects the liver.Hepatitis B is one of the most common infectious diseases in the world and is passed from one person to the other through body fluids. Hepatitis B infections are either acute or chronic.
Acute infections can last between a few weeks and a few months. Recovering from acute hepatitis B on your own is possible. The infected person can remain healthy without any symptoms while the virus clears from the body. Some will not even know they have been infected. However, until the virus is completely gone from the body, it can be passed on to others. Chronic hepatitis B is much more serious; if you contract this strain of the disease it will be with you throughout your life, and there is a chance you will go on to develop permanent scarring of the liver, called cirrhosis, and you may eventually develop liver cancer.
Hepatitis C is an infection of the liver caused by the hepatitis C virus. It can cause inflammation and fibrosis of the liver tissue and occasionally significant liver damage.
Many people do not realise they have been infected with the virus as there are no symptoms.Flu-like symptoms can occur but can easily be mistaken for another illness. The most common symptom experienced is fatigue, which may be mild but is sometimes extreme. Unlike Hepatitis A and B, Hepatitis C doesn’t usually cause people to develop jaundice.
You can become infected with hepatitis C if you come into contact with the blood or, less commonly, body fluids of an infected person. The hepatitis C virus mutates very easily, which makes it hard to create a vaccine, and the virus has different genetic variants.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a lentivirus that causes AIDS, a condition in humans where a weakened immune system allows life-threatening infections and cancers to swarm the body. Through the transfer of bodily fluids, HIV can be passed along to another person.
Therefore it is imperative that sharps are disposed of by a trained professional. Your first action should be to close off the area and prevent anyone entering the property. It is important to remember that disposing of needles, syringes and hypodermics in a public litter bin or household waste is extremely dangerous.
Needle and sharps cleanup services
National Trauma and Crime Scene Cleaning technicians are highly experienced and skilled at Needles, syringes and other sharps cleanup and bio cleaning of contaminated material.
Our technicians are on 24/7 alert for any calls that require the removal of biohazardous material and sharps cleanups. We have all the latest equipment and knowledge to safely perform sharps clean up to ensure that no-one’s health is compromised.
Our Needle and sharps cleanup services include:
- Removal of all needles, syringes, broken bottles, glass and other drug material from the scene
- Safe disposal of all contaminated and biohazardous material off-site
- Decontaminated and sanitisation of the affected area
If you find hypodermic needles and syringes in public places, be sure to report this to the police and to your local council, who will arrange for the proper collection and disposal of this dangerous material.
Call us anytime 24/7 and our emergency response team will be on your doorstep in no time at all.