Hoards, Squats & Gross Filth Cleanup

Hoarding cleanup
Some people become overwhelmed by life, and one day the clutter of life has turned into a hoarding situation. The clutter is often your personal belongings or those of a loved one, and it can be very difficult and stressful to have to deal with this sort of emotional situation.
Mold is often found in hoarders homes, which can also cause respiratory problems especially in the elderly and those with compromised health. Bacteria levels in a hoarders home can also be very high causing infections. Rodents and insects often live in hoarders homes and can be the cause of a number of illnesses.
When clutter is stacked precariously in the home items may fall injuring the occupant or causing them to trip and injure themselves. They may also become trapped under falling debris. In the event of a fire, the clutter also obstructs pathway to exit the building or for the fire brigade to reach a trapped occupant.
We understand that often people feel too embarrassed to call anyone for help, but we are here to help. We are honest and sincere, and we will approach your situation with the utmost compassion and understanding.
Cleanup and removal of rubbish and debris from a hoarding site typically involves cleaning that a reasonable person would find uninhabitable due to a combination of filth and debris from hoarding, faecal matter, bodily fluids, excessive trash, expired food, odour, mould, mildew, infestation by cockroaches or other insects etc. All hoarding cleanups are different, but just about all of them require some form of heavy lifting, cleaning, sanitising and deodorising. This is when you need a specialised forensic cleaning company to come in and alleviate the stress and worry of a major clean up.
National Trauma and Crime Scene Cleaning are very experienced in all types of forensic cleaning, and we are very mindful of your distress and desire for privacy and discretion. We can help you sort through all of the clutter and assist in deciding what items to salvage, which ones have sentimental value and which can be disposed of – all performed with discretion and with compassion. We can also organise the disposal and recycling of all items as needed.
Squats and gross filth clean up
If you are a landlord and have been left with a property filled with filth, rotten food, and human and animal bodily waste, then you need to call in a specialist decontamination team.
We provide extreme cleaning expertise to homeowners, property owners, hotel groups, solicitors and housing associations. From cleaning squats and crime scenes to removing hypodermic needles and drug paraphernalia, our specialist cleaning technicians are experienced at working in extreme conditions.
Our technicians are trained in biohazard cleaning and removal and can even perform a meth lab clean up if your property has been abused in this way.
We take photographs before and after and, if needed, can provide a detailed report to assist you in dealing with your insurer.